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GeSI hosts session at RightsCon 2019!

Jun 16, 2019

The Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) hosted the session "Unlocking the Potential for Digital Technology to Enable Human Rights" at this year's RightsCon in Tunis, Tunisia. 

The workshop focused on the role that digital technology can play in protecting civil, political, and economic rights across a range of issues such as enhancing supplier accountability and empowering workers to protect their rights; addressing human trafficking; supporting traceability; protecting land rights; and bringing those that abuse human rights to justice. The Workshop also discussed ways technology can support these rights; how to effectively develop technology solutions; and discussed ways to ensure that technology is developed in a way that accounts for and respects human rights.

RightsCon is where the world’s business leaders, technologists, engineers, investors, activists, human rights experts, and government representatives come together to build partnerships, shape global norms, showcase new technologies, and confront the most challenging issues at the intersection of human rights and technology. More than an event, RightsCon is a global community with thousands of leading voices across stakeholder lines. It is an energizing reminder of the existence of a powerful global digital rights community that is determined to defend human rights and keep the internet open and free.



GeSI Staff

About the author

GeSI Staff

This article was written by GeSI staff.

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