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To eradicate trafficking across borders and strengthen services for victims, Polaris galvanizes regional collaboration among service providers, governments, and law enforcement entities to share data, strategies, and resources. Based on our expertise operating the National Human Trafficking Hotline and BeFree Textline, Polaris has discovered the potential of a hotline to function as a coordination mechanism for the anti-trafficking movement in a country by increasing victim identification; building relationships with service providers, law enforcement, and government; and pinpointing gaps in resources and response through the development of critical data collection systems.

Polaris serves human trafficking victims and survivors through: 

  1. the 24/7 National Human Trafficking Hotline, coordinating with referral partners nationwide as a national access point for trauma-informed support. 
  2. Building one of the largest public data sets on human trafficking in the United States, digging deeper to learn how the business of human trafficking really works, in real time 
  3. Turning knowledge into action, designing targeted strategies that change entire systems tailored to specific sub-types of trafficking and specific industries. 
  4. Enlisting law enforcement and other public and private-sector partners, moving those strategies into the real world to support survivors, prevent and disrupt human trafficking at scale. 

Keywords: Polaris Project, Preventing Human Trafficking, Digital and high-speed communication networks for human rights, Data collection and management for human rights, human trafficking hotline