DataCatalyst is a platform that “advocates for a smarter data privacy regulation and promotes the benefits of a data-driven world.
The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a guidance note identifying six principles for a human rights-based approach to data collection, to support monitoring of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read it here.
Keywords: How to use Enabling Technology for Human Rights, Data Collection, Data Disaggregation, United Nations, Human Rights Office, OHCHR, Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, Agenda 2030
DataCatalyst is a platform that “advocates for a smarter data privacy regulation and promotes the benefits of a data-driven world.
This program investigated data, human rights, and human security in relation to fields such as international development, crisis response, and philanthropy. Cross cutting concerns include data ethics, privacy, validity, biases, prediction, risks, sharing, governance, and cybersecurity.
This platform outlines the work of Deutsche Telekom in Digital Responsibility as a core component of their work.