Through a portfolio of digital tools, Signpost provide accurate, accessible and timely information that matters most to people affected by conflict and disaster.
Through a portfolio of digital tools, Signpost provide accurate, accessible and timely information that matters most to people affected by conflict and disaster.
The first Cambodian human rights portal that aims to create a single map-based database of reports of human rights violations with contributions from human rights activists, organizations, and regular citizens from across the country.
Uwazi is a tool to enable human rights defenders to store, organize, search, and access a variety of documents that are not easily catalogued, tagged and searched.
Annona is a mobile and web-based platform that global suppliers use to manage their farmer supplies, payments and aggregate crop production.
The JORNALER@ app helps protect the wages of day laborers from theft, corruption, or willful underpayment by employers.
KamakoChhnoeum in Cambodia is a program that uses mobile and fixed landlines to enable workers to receive audio messages that educate them on their rights.
Circulor, a UK-based company, has created a system based on blockchain that allows mining companies ensure their minerals are responsibly sourced.
Bluenumbers can measure if SDG investments are actually delivering the benefits promised to individuals. Government, CSR and sustainability practitioners can directly measure if they are making progress and if people’s lives are getting better.
Bluenumber helps small farmers sell more. We know where they are and what standards they practice. This means buyers can see farmers and know where supply is available. Buyers can train farmers in specific areas to meet the practice and safety standards they need.