ETNO and the Gigabit Society
ETNO have committed to making the Gigabit society a reality.
Chemonics’ blog provides materials on opportunities for NGOs and civil society organization to use enabling technology to address human rights violations. The blog states “To hold government accountable, CSOs [civil society organisations] must go beyond traditional efforts to combat human rights violations by collaborating with others, including the information and communications technology sector, to maximize their impact.
Keywords: How to Use Enabling Technology for Human Rights, Information and Communication Technology tools, ICT, Human Rights Sector,
ETNO have committed to making the Gigabit society a reality.
Ford Foundation’s memo identifies parallels between the development of the two fields, drawing useful lessons with an eye to shaping best practices.
The #iamtheCODE is a pivotal movement to mobilise governments, business and investors to support young women in STEAMED (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship and Design), through learning how to code, creative learning and cracking problems.